Will your Nominee gets the money after your death?

1. What is a Nominee? According to law, a nominee is a trustee, not the owner of the assets. In other words, he is only a caretaker of your assets. The nominee will only hold your money/asset as a trustee and will be legally bound to transfer it to the legal heirs, if a will is not done. It is essential that one needs to execute a will. It is the ultimate source of truth and replaces the succession law. Nominee can also be one of the legal heirs. 2. Why is the concept of Nominee? If the nominee does […]

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Financial Plan: Smooth Data collection

Data collection has been a major challenge in the preparation and review of Financial Plan(s). Technology has provided easy solution through account aggregator. They are registered entities to provide individual clients data on request and in a secured manner. It will make the clients life hassle free from the botheration of collating client’s financial data in a safe, secured and convenient manner.   What is an Account Aggregator? An Account Aggregator (AA) is a type of RBI regulated entity that helps an individual share information securely from financial institution(s) to any other regulated financial institution/intermediary. Data can only be shared with […]

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